
Start in Taiwan and aim at the world

Rooted in Taiwan, UTA is a leading manufacturer that produces hinges for Asia.
In 2002, the UNITA Industrial Co., Ltd was set up in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province
in order to expand production capacity...

UTA, a brand after 30 years’ development

Over the years, UTA has been devoted to building a rigorous and professional
R &D team, constantly deepening and improving the construction of the production base,
and insisting on strict quality inspection system for decades, so as to win the trust of users,
industrial and brand reputation with innovative ability and excellent quality...

Support series

High-tech accessories for tatami

Hinge series

High-tech accessories for door panel

Bouncer & Door Buckle

High-tech accessories for hardware

Slide rail series

High-tech accessories for drawers

Quality certification

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